DAY 7 ~ Shoulders and Back

Working the shoulders and back can really give your body the size that you’re looking for! You may have also realised I have worked my back twice this week.

As a pre work out snack I have consumed two slices of brown seeded bread with peanut butter and strawberry jam. As per all my workouts, prior to the gym I have taking the following supplements to aid my workout (30 minutes prior):

BCAA’s – 5g
Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate – 2g
Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL – 5g

Set One
Set Two
Set Three
Set Four
Dumbbell Arnold Press
12 x12kg
10 x 14kg
8 x 16kg
6 x 18kg
Shoulder shrugs
12 x 40kg
10 x 60kg
8 x 70kg
6 x 80kg
Smith Machine shrug
12 x 40kg
10 x 60kg
8 x 60kg
6 x 70kg
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
12 x8kg
10 x 8kg
8 x 8kg
6 x 10kg
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
12 x 12kg
10 x 14kg
8 x 18kg

12 x 30kg
10 x 50kg
8 x 70kg

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
12 x 35kg
10 x 49kg
8 x 56kg
6 x 70kg
T-Bar row
12 x 20kg
10 x 40kg
8 x 60kg

One arm dumbbell row
12 x22kg
10 x 24kg
8 x 24kg
6 x 24kg

(Please note that exact results may vary based on the individual)

If you have being following my progress, you will notice that I have increased the weight in my Wide grip Lat pull down and one arm dumbbell row.

I have finally completed a small amount of cardio today! X3 30 second bursts on speed of 18. On the next couple of workouts, I aim to increase this to x5 30 second bursts.

I am starting to see more definition within my body; however I still have a lot of fat around my waist! Over the next couple of weeks, I will be reviewing my calories that I am consuming as well as protein, fats and carb intake.

As a post workout supplement, I have taking MyProtein’s Hurricane XS. Great shake which hits your required carbs and protein, as well as creatine and HMB.

Tomorrow.... REST!  

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